The video game, Call of Duty, is a first person shooter full of action and excitement that constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat. There are three different companies making COD (Call of Duty) games. The newest COD, Black Ops 3, has supply drops that give you three things, a weapon cameo, new gear, a calling card,or a rare weapon. Once in a while, they add a new weapon like a baseball bat.
The Call of Duty community, has been debating if these new weapons are pay to win. They aren't necessarily pay to win ,because if you grind the game, playing it a long time, you will be able to open supply drops and have a chance at receiving them. If you don't want to play the game to earn them then, you can purchase them even though the whole purpose of a game is to play it. If you win the match, the game gives you more crypto-keys.
Their are two types of crates that you can open, rare drops and common drops. Common drops are 10 crypto keys and rare drops are 30 keys. Every match you earn 1-4 keys depending on how well you did. The weapons that you have a chance of winning don't give you an advantage. The melee weapons are just re-skins of the normal combat knife. The other weapons are a little bit better than the guns in the same class ,but they also have their down fall. Like the assault rifle, mx grande, is a semi automatic rifle that is a two shot and you have eight bullets in the magazine. One of its down falls is that you can't reload unless you shot all eight bullets. Also, it's not like you are instantly good with the weapon, it takes time to get used to. Over all, these new weapons that treyarch has added and future weapons aren't pay to win.